At the heart of the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation, lie five declarations that seek to distinguish what it means to be an evangelical Protestant.
These declarations, which came to be known as the “Five Solas of the Protestant Reformation”, sought to remind the church that salvation is:
- by grace alone (sola gratis),
- through faith alone (sola fide),
- in Christ alone (solus Christus),
- according to Scripture alone (sola scriptura),
- for God’s glory alone (soli Deo gloria).
In the six links below, John Piper, lead teacher at Desiring God, uses his distinctive “lab” style of video teaching, to give a summary of the origin of the five solas and why they are important, and then to discusses each of the five doctrines individually, helping us to see their Biblical foundation as revealed in Scripture.
The links to the videos are as follows: